The DSF has six Trustees. For the purposes of good corporate governance and in order to emulate the corporate world, the DSF has created the posts of Chairman of the Foundation and Executive Trustee, where the Executive Trustee runs the day to day activities of the Foundation.

Anton Berkovitz
Anton was appointed Chairman of the Trust in 2008, having been a Trustee since 2003. He became involved when, as a member of Metropolitan Asset Managers’ Executive Committee, he took responsibility for Corporate Social Involvement. MetAM adopted Meulenhof, one of the Foundation’s schools as part of its CSI program.
He is passionate about education and upliftment, and believes in the saying “to teach a child is more important than being a president of nations”.
Anton, a Chartered Accountant, is currently Managing Director of Ilanyezi Investment Holdings, which provides business process and technology consulting in the financial services industry.
He can be contacted at:

J.F. (Oom Loekie) van Wyk
Oom Loekie has been a Trustee of the Foundation since inception. As a retired Headmaster from one of the schools, he has a wealth of experience which he puts to good use as the Executive Trustee. He is involved in the implementation of all the Foundation’s projects, and spends a large part of his week roaming between the schools in this regard. In particular, he spends a lot of time with the bursary students.
Oom Loekie is exceptionally well known in all the communities served by the DSF, though hardly anyone knows what the JF in his name represents!
He can be contacted on +27 76 731 5841,

Tinus le Roux
Tinus is a technology guru from Durbanville where he started a specialist web based large scale event photography business. Also active in communal affairs and the Church, it became a natural extension of his communal activities to get involved in the Foundation.
Peter Inglis
Peter Inglis, of Haw & Inglis, was one of the founders of the Foundation, and its Chairman for a number of years. He is currently retired from the construction industry, and as chairman of the Foundation. He retains his passion for the Foundation, though and is always willing and able to provide guidance to the team.
He has a number of other interests that keep him busy including an interest in an abalone farm and a wine and olive farm. He is a keen golfer but alas has a very high handicap.
Anne King
Anne is one of the founder members of the Foundation. As a concerned citizen in the area, she has provided much support to the Trustees over the years and has a wealth of experience to share.
She has a passion for education and the upliftment of people in the Durbanville community and is involved in various community projects as well as a national school fund raising programme. She also finds time to assist her son in his bistro.
Sipho Masinga
Sipho Masinga is a community aware citizen who is involved in various community initiatives. Aside from the DSF, he is also a Trustee of the Isilimela Empowerment Education Foundation and active in church projects. He has been involved with the Foundation since his days at MetAM. He is an IT project manager by profession, with a Masters degree from Stirling University in Scotland.