Note that the business category is for small businesses who wish to become involved, large-organisations should fall into the corporate category. The brochures also provide more detail about the Foundation, though it is a little out of date. While we fully understand that many donors wish to donate to specific projects, we cannot overemphasize the vital role that the Patrons’ Project plays in the Foundation. All donations to this fund are kept in a dedicated Money Market Fund at one of the major financial institutions in South Africa.
The income is used to cover a broad range of items. We have a huge number of small requests that are funded, such as specific sports equipment; one off items of equipment that are needed urgently and it simply isn’t practical to look for a sponsor at short notice; sponsorship of talented children selected to represent their province or country and need to pay for travel etc. In addition, the income covers items such as audit fees, bank charges, travel, stationery, and other expenses incurred by the active trustees (there are no salaries paid, and the Foundation operates out of space made available by Metropolitan Asset Managers).

Note that the business category is for small businesses who wish to become involved, large-organisations should fall into the corporate category. The brochures also provide more detail about the Foundation, though it is a little out of date. While we fully understand that many donors wish to donate to specific projects, we cannot overemphasize the vital role that the Patrons’ Project plays in the Foundation. All donations to this fund are kept in a dedicated Money Market Fund at one of the major financial institutions in South Africa.
The income is used to cover a broad range of items. We have a huge number of small requests that are funded, such as specific sports equipment; one off items of equipment that are needed urgently and it simply isn’t practical to look for a sponsor at short notice; sponsorship of talented children selected to represent their province or country and need to pay for travel etc. In addition, the income covers items such as audit fees, bank charges, travel, stationery, and other expenses incurred by the active trustees (there are no salaries paid, and the Foundation operates out of space made available by Metropolitan Asset Managers).

Donors to this project can look forward to certificates of patronage. The Annual Certificate is a full colour A4 certificate and the Life Patron Certificate is a beautiful A3 sized certificate, as depicted above. Life Patrons will be acknowledged on our website as well as having a free hyperlink from our website to theirs.
We are encouraging small one-off donations of R1,000 and upwards to the General Fund to cover “bits and pieces”. These are those small items requested by the schools that don’t warrant a fund raising effort, but which are really needed by the schools, like funding a school outing, or supporting a top pupil to compete at an inter-provincial sports event. These requests are often at the last minute, and a quick decision needs to be made, coupled with ready access to funds. It also helps to cover our own ad hoc expenses such as a printer cartridge.
The Foundation is also looking to introduce chess at the schools and needs funding for a chess coach.