The Foundation’s modus operandi is to work closely with the schools themselves to assist them in raising their Standards. The Executive Trustee is in regular contact with the headmasters and brings their requests to the table. Programmes that could be of benefit are recommended to all the schools. The Foundation gets involved in the schools’ own projects too – helping with project management and sourcing sponsors.

The Foundation’s projects cover a range of areas, attempting to provide as many benefits from a single project as possible, and including the community as a whole where applicable. Projects range from;

  • funding teachers (governing body posts)
  • building classrooms and school facilities,
  • providing infrastructure,
  • bursaries and
  • educational programmes and materials.

Each year the Headmasters and their communities provide the Foundation with their project list (wish list). These are prioritised and the Foundation then works with them to achieve as many as possible. The prioritisation serves as a guideline, as the Foundation allows donors to select projects that resonate with the donor.

Donors may elect specific projects, or simply contribute to the general fund. Donors may become as involved in the projects as they wish. The caveat is that one off funding needs to be used carefully, generally for a one off project, or spread over a number of years if to fund an ongoing project. It is disheartening for all concerned if a donor promises ongoing funding and then pulls out during the lifetime of the project e.g. bursary.

The projects below have been split into ongoing projects and one off projects, where both current and completed projects are covered. We have learnt that funding needs to be allocated very carefully to different types of project to ensure that they can be taken through to their logical conclusions.